About Us


NYSAMP was established in 2001 by a group of agricultural organizations including NY Farm Bureau, NYS Department of Labor, NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets, and CALS at Cornell University NY who saw merit and potential in having a mediation program focused on agricultural needs. Since then, over 10,000 participants have chosen mediation as a way to work through a difficult conflict!

NYSAMP services are free or low cost and customized to a situation and the needs of the participants. Options include mediation, conciliation, facilitation and conflict coaching.

NYSAMP is part of a Coalition of Agricultural Mediation Programs serving 42 states.

NYSAMP is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture in partnership with the New York State Unified Court System Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution.  




NYSAMP mediators are trained to standards set by the NY court system and maintain their qualifications with annual updates. A network of Community Dispute Resolution Centers around the state partner with NYSAMP to host mediations services in every county of NYS.

Mediators respect all participants and do not take sides, make judgements or issue decisions.


Contact us for an initial confidential conversation and we can discuss options for your situation. Consultations are free and confidential.